First off. This is my first blog, and today I just noticed something when I went to create a new post where it tells me where the majority of my "traffic" comes from. Pinside was there as to be expected, but something else was too. what is that? Is there a vampire forum online where people are talking about my blog???? I clicked through and its not nearly as exciting, looks like some kind of blog ranking thing, not nearly as glamorous as I hoped. Anyway.
The Rudy Head.
Here's where pictures would make this more exciting. Last night I took apart the rudy eye mechs, cleaned them all out, replaced the springs and the plunger for the eyelids, removed the weird spring someone had jerry rigged to try and help his blinking and it was very successful. I did spend a lot of time trying to reposition one of the coils, because the eyelid plunger action was not that smooth. Here is where "thinking ahead" would have been handy. After a good half hour of tinkering I decided to put it all back together and see how it worked complete, well after I put a bracket back I realized that the bracket played a major role in the plungers action. If I had thought forward I would have saved some time. I also got a good color match for the lip and applied a couple of coats, its really close and I am satisfied with it. If anyone needs to know in the future it ended up being Testors Gloss red straight up. However, the face I was trying to match looks like it may have also been repainted at one time so please don't blindly use that color, check for a match first.
Fun with paint!
Once I get the final coat on I will show it off. Needs more paint though.
I do also want to add here in case anyone comes along looking for advice a great Youtube video I watched that shows the inner workings of a rudy head and explains some things. This is just part one, I will trust you to find part two and three. If you are fixing a Funhouse up it is super helpful and I hope that the gentleman who made the video does not mind me linking to it, happy to take it down if he does mind.
A riveting ten minutes (30 if you watch all three). Soon to become a major motion picture starring Brad Pitt as Rudys faceless head.
The Bone head.
I'm the bone head. I spent the good part of two evenings replacing the slingshot switches only to realize after I was done that something looked funny.

Can you spot the bone head move? Also I need to clean that little bit of Novus I left behind.
Yep, two of them are backwards (you only see one in the pic, the other one is on the other side). At first I was very confused, is this how they looked? They don't look like this on my other games. Did they come up with new switch technology? Did Pinball Life send me the wrong ones? No dum dum, you put them on the wrong sides! I think my problem was on these the diodes are on the other side of the switch than the old ones. So while I was focused on getting the wires in the right spots and having everything line up I did not even think about teh end result! Another case where thinking ahead would have helped.
They sure did need replacing though, old ones were shot!
Lesson learned on that one! I did say in my first post that mistakes would be made!
Other stuff
I talked about my new love for Flitz metal cleaner in an older post. I did manage to get a pretty good before and after pic. These posts were tumbled with walnut, then just a spritz of flitz and a quick rub in a rag. Can you spot the ones I polished?
If you cannot, please see your optometrist.
So were are getting very close to powering on! I think I could have turned it on tonight if not for my bonehead move, but now switching those switches will take up most of my evening. More coats of paint scheduled for tonight as well. Then I just need to check all of the fuses and HOPEFULLY none are bad or hard to find. I really meant to check the fuses earlier so I could order any I need online and have them ready when everything was back in place, but I just kept putting it off. Guess I should have thought ahead! Dammit that's three bonehead moves now!
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